26 May 2007

How to hack windows XP admin password

Have you lost your Windows XP System Administrator Password, and you are unable login into your system???????
Don't worry, you can change the password with out losing any of your valuable data
Follow these simple steps to Change the administrator Password.
Basic requirements
Windows XP Bootable CD
Steps1. Boot with your Windows XP CD
2. When you get to the Welcome to Setup screen, press ENTER to Setup Windows now
3. The Licensing Agreement comes next - Press F8 to accept it
4. Then at next screen it will prompt for you want to setup or Repair, go with repair option
5. Setup will now start copying files to Disk
6. After copying files it will reboot.
7. After reboot Don't press Enter
8. Installation process will begin at that point Press Shift+f10, command prompt will be opened.
9 Execute this command in command prompt NUSRMGR.CPL you will get access to graphical interface of User accounts in control panel.
10. Pick the account for which you want to change password, if it is administrator then go with administrator.Change the password .
That's IT.

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